застрял на часиках, самое смешное, что сделаны они по первой ссылке, с обработкой, но никак не хотят идти, по второй ссылке, на рабочем столе тикают, правда иногда сбой секундной стрелки

Запустил наконец часики. Что бы секундная стрелка шла ровно, без задержек, необходимо установить timeout = 0.5
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
На этом же сайте виджет на рабочем столе , но это для awesome 3.5, для awesome 4 на сайте автора Clock widget for Awesome >= 4.0
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
у меня коньки не используются, только awesome
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
Всё, что мог найти в сети, испробовал, вылетают ошибки. В твоём варианте - тоже
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
Из textclock таймер заимствован, но не работает, к сожалению. Иконки взяты из темы Dremora
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
Сделал вот такие часики


local analogclock = wibox.widget {
   fit    = function(cr, width, height)
        return height, height -- A square taking the full height
    draw   = function(self, context, cr, width, height)

		local r = (width - (width % 2))/2
		cr:set_line_width (1)
		local t = os.date("*t")
		local ht =  ((t.hour % 12) / 12 + t.min / 720 + t.sec / 43200) * 2 * math.pi
		local hx =  math.floor(0.60 * r * math.sin(ht))
		local hy = -math.floor(0.60 * r * math.cos(ht))
		local mt =  (t.min / 60 + t.sec / 3600) * 2 * math.pi
		local mx =  math.floor(0.90 * r * math.sin(mt))
		local my = -math.floor(0.90 * r * math.cos(mt))
		local st =  t.sec / 60 * 2 * math.pi
		local sx =  math.floor(0.90 * r * math.sin(st))
		local sy = -math.floor(0.90 * r * math.cos(st))
		cr:set_line_width (3)
		cr:move_to (r,r)
		cr:line_to (r+hx, r+hy)
		cr:set_line_width (2)
		cr:move_to (r,r)
		cr:line_to (r+mx, r+my)
		cr:set_line_width (1)
		cr:move_to (r,r)
		cr:line_to (r+sx, r+sy)
    layout = wibox.widget.base.make_widget,

timeout = 1
gears.timer.start_new (timeout, analogclock):again ()

	clockbg = wibox.container.background(analogclock, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	myanalogclock = wibox.container.margin(clockbg, 0, 0, 8, 0)

но часики идут всего 1 секунду, где ошибка?
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
Справочник по API находится в каждом компе с установленным awesome
не нужно лазать по сети :)
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
а почему нет
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local awful = require("awful")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local gears = require("gears")
local dpi = beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi
local naughty			= require("naughty")

local capi = {
  screen = screen,
  client = client,

local widgets = require("actionless.widgets")
local tasklist_addon = require("actionless.tasklist_addon")
local persistent = require("actionless.persistent")
local lain = require("lain")
local helpers      = require("lain.helpers")
local markup     = lain.util.markup
--local config = require("config")
local widget_loader = {}

function widget_loader.init(awesome_context)
	local w = awesome_context.widgets
	local conf = awesome_context.config
	local modkey = awesome_context.modkey

	local lcarslist_enabled = persistent.lcarslist.get()

	local topwibox = {}

-- launcher ============================================================

	mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = beautiful.awesome_icon, menu = context.menu.mainmenu })

-- CLOSE button ========================================================

	manage_client = widgets.manage_client({ awesome_context = awesome_context, })

-- Keyboard map indicator and switcher =================================

	mykeyboardlayout = awful.widget.keyboardlayout()
	keyboardbg = wibox.container.background(mykeyboardlayout, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	keyboardwidget = wibox.container.margin(keyboardbg, 0, 0, 0, 0)

-- Create a textclock widget ===========================================

	mytextclock = wibox.widget.textclock("%H:%M")
	mytextclock.font = "sans 18"
	mytextclock.align  = "center"
	clockbg = wibox.container.background(mytextclock, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	clockwidget = wibox.container.margin(clockbg, 0, 0, 8, 4)

-- network =============================================================

-- записываем данные из vnstati (графики) в /tmp
os.execute( 'LC_ALL=C vnstati -vs -ne -i ' .. context.config.eth_if .. ' -o /tmp/vnstat_summary.png' )
os.execute( 'LC_ALL=C vnstati -t -ne -i ' .. context.config.eth_if .. ' -o /tmp/vnstat_summary_h.png' )

local net_summary		= "/tmp/vnstat_summary.png"
local net_summary_h		= "/tmp/vnstat_summary_h.png"

-- vnstat_image notification
local vnstat_image = {}
vnstat_image.notification = nil

function vnstat_image:hide()
	if self.notification ~= nil then
		self.notification = nil

function vnstat_image:show()
	self.notification = naughty.notify({
	icon = net_summary,
	position = 'top_left',
	timeout = 20,

function vnstat_image:show1()
	self.notification = naughty.notify({
	icon = net_summary_h,
	position = 'top_left',
	timeout = 20,

function vnstat_image:attach(widget, args)

  widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function () self:show() end)
  widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function () self:hide() end)
    awful.button({ }, 1, function () self:show1() end)
	local nettext = wibox.widget {
		markup = 'Tele2',
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		align  = 'center',
		widget           = wibox.widget.textbox,
	mynetbg = wibox.container.background(nettext, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mynettext = wibox.container.margin(mynetbg, 0, 0, 4, 0)

	os.execute('LC_ALL=C vnstat -i ' .. context.config.eth_if .. ' -m | grep "$(LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 date +"%b \'%y")" | awk \'{print $9" "$10}\'> ~/.eth')
	eth_text = helpers.first_line('/home/olgmen/.eth') or 0

	local netsum = wibox.widget {
		markup = ' Total : ' .. eth_text,
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		widget           = wibox.widget.textbox,
	mynetsumbg = wibox.container.background(netsum, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mynetsum = wibox.container.margin(mynetsumbg, 0, 0, 0, 4)

	netdown = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		widget           = wibox.widget.textbox,

	mynetdown = lain.widgets.net({
		notify = "off",
		settings  = function()
			netdown:set_text(" down : " .. (net_now.received))
	mynetdownbg = wibox.container.background(netdown, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mynetdown = wibox.container.margin(mynetdownbg, 0, 0, 0, 0)

	local downbar = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		forced_width     = dpi(40),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		margins          = 3,
		paddings         = 1,
		ticks            = true,
		ticks_size       = 2,
		widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

	mydownbar = lain.widgets.net({
		notify = "off",
		settings  = function()
			downbar:set_value(net_now.received / 100)
	local downbg = wibox.container.background(downbar, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mydownbar = wibox.container.margin(downbg, 0, 0, 0, 0)

	local netup = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		widget           = wibox.widget.textbox,

	mynetup = lain.widgets.net({
		notify = "off",
		settings  = function()
			netup:set_text(" up      : " .. (net_now.sent))
	mynetupbg = wibox.container.background(netup, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mynetup = wibox.container.margin(mynetupbg, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-- cpu =================================================================

	local cputext = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		widget           = wibox.widget.textbox,

	local cpu1text = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		widget           = wibox.widget.textbox,

	local cpu0bar = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		forced_width     = dpi(40),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		margins          = 3,
		paddings         = 1,
		ticks            = true,
		ticks_size       = 2,
		widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

	local cpu1bar = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		forced_width     = dpi(40),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		margins          = 3,
		paddings         = 1,
		ticks            = true,
		ticks_size       = 2,
		widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,

	mycpu = lain.widgets.cpu({
		settings  = function()
			cputext:set_text(" Cpu 1    "..cpu_now[1].usage.." % ")
	mycpubg = wibox.container.background(cputext, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mycpu = wibox.container.margin(mycpubg, 0, 0, 4, 0)

	mycpu1 = lain.widgets.cpu({
		settings  = function()
			cpu1text:set_text(" Cpu 2    "..cpu_now[2].usage.." % ")
	mycpu1bg = wibox.container.background(cpu1text, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mycpu1 = wibox.container.margin(mycpu1bg, 0, 0, 4, 0)

	mycpu0bar = lain.widgets.cpu({
		settings  = function()
			cpu0bar:set_value(cpu_now[1].usage / 100)
	local cpu0bg = wibox.container.background(cpu0bar, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mycpu0bar = wibox.container.margin(cpu0bg, 0, 0, 0, 0)

	mycpu1bar = lain.widgets.cpu({
		settings  = function()
			cpu1bar:set_value(cpu_now[2].usage / 100)

	local cpu1bg = wibox.container.background(cpu1bar, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	mycpu1bar = wibox.container.margin(cpu1bg, 0, 0, 0, 4)

-- fs ==================================================================
-- shows root and home partitions percentage used

	local fstext = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		widget           = wibox.widget.textbox,

	myfs = lain.widgets.fs({
		partition = "/",
		options = "--exclude-type=tmpfs",
		notification_preset = { fg = beautiful.fg_normal, bg = beautiful.bg_normal, font = beautiful.font },
		settings  = function()
			fstext:set_text(" HDD     " .. fs_now.used .. "%")
	myfsbg = wibox.container.background(fstext, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	myfs = wibox.container.margin(myfsbg, 0, 0, 4, 0)

	local fsbar = wibox.widget {
		forced_height    = dpi(15),
		forced_width     = dpi(40),
		color            = beautiful.fg_normal,
		background_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
		margins          = 3,
		paddings         = 1,
		ticks            = true,
		ticks_size       = 2,
		widget           = wibox.widget.progressbar,
	fs = lain.widgets.fs({
		partition = "/",
		options = "--exclude-type=tmpfs",
		notification_preset = { fg = beautiful.fg_normal, bg = beautiful.bg_normal, font = beautiful.font },
		settings  = function()
			if tonumber(fs_now.used) < 90 then
			fsbar:set_value(fs_now.used / 100)

	local fsbg = wibox.container.background(fsbar, beautiful.bg_normal, gears.shape.rectangle)
	fswidget = wibox.container.margin(fsbg, 0, 0, 0, 4)
  return awesome_context

return widget_loader
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
как убрать лишнее сообщение, отправлено ошибочно
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.
стараюсь, здесь больше возможностей, да и комп меньше нагружается
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдет.