Как машина планируется к использованию? Какие порты должны быть открыты? IPTABLES индивидуально же настраивается.
Заглянул в вики. Увидел только это:

If you regularly turn off your computer but don't want to miss jobs, there are some solutions available (easiest to hardest):
Vanilla dcron (the default cron daemon in Arch) now supports asynchronous job processing. Just put it with @hourly, @daily, @weekly or @monthy with a jobname, like this:
@hourly         ID=greatest_ever_job      echo This job is very useful

А по какому расписанию они будут выполняться? Время старта явно не задается?
я делал так:

iwconfig wlan0 mode master
iwconfig wlan0 essid TaikaNet
ifconfig wlan0

Ребят, можете подсказать, как правильно работают выражения с @?

По указанному пути:

просмотрел файл

обнаружил там только строчку:
1 2011-04-13 19:35

которая, как я полагаю, означает, что последний раз задание запускалось в 19:35 13го апреля. Первый раз сталкиваюсь с таким синтаксисом crontab. Подскажите, плз, как правильно работать с переменными. В man для себя ничего разумительного не обнаружил. Раньше всегда по такому шаблону crontab создавал:

# Example of job definition:
# .------------- minute (0 - 59)
# | .----------- hour (0 - 23)
# | | .--------- day of month (1 - 31)
# | | | .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# | | | | .----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon...
# | | | | |
# * * * * * user command to be executed

заранее спасибо.
парадоксально, но повторное создание индексных файлов помогло.
не ясно только почему при обновлении online не возникает подобных конфузов.

тут же получается, что нужно после установки системы выполнить repo-add, потом обновить pacman, обновить его БД, потом опять выполнить repo-add и только после этого удастся обновить систему целиком.
думаю, что требуется повторный запуск процедуры repo-add после обновления БД пакмана.
попробую сейчас выполнить.
Закомментировал wget:

[[email protected] ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from disk : No such file or directory
error: failed to update core (No such file or directory)
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from disk : No such file or directory
error: failed to update extra (No such file or directory)
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from disk : No such file or directory
error: failed to update community (No such file or directory)
error: failed to synchronize any databases
[[email protected] ~]$

Покажите полностью текущий /etc/pacman.conf

  1 #
  2 # /etc/pacman.conf
  3 #
  4 # See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
  6 #
  8 #
  9 [options]
 10 # The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
 11 # If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
 12 #RootDir     = /
 13 #DBPath      = /var/lib/pacman/
 14 #CacheDir    = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
 15 #LogFile     = /var/log/pacman.log
 16 HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
 17 # If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
 18 SyncFirst   = pacman
 19 #XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
 20 #XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl %u > %o
 21 #CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
 22 #
 23 # Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGro    up
 24 #IgnorePkg   =
 25 #IgnoreGroup =
 27 #NoUpgrade   =
 28 #NoExtract   =
 30 # Misc options (all disabled by default)
 31 #UseSyslog
 32 #ShowSize
 33 #UseDelta
 34 #TotalDownload
 36 #
 38 #   - can be defined here or included from another file
 39 #   - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
 40 #   - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
 41 #   - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
 42 #     have identical names, regardless of version number
 43 #   - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
 44 #
 45 # Repository entries are of the format:
 46 #       [repo-name]
 47 #       Server = ServerName
 48 #       Include = IncludePath
 49 #
 50 # The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
 51 # uncommented to enable the repo.
 52 #
 54 # The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
 55 # repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediat    ely
 56 # after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
 58 #[testing]
 59 ## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 60 #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
 62 [core]
 63 # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 64 #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
 65 Server = file:///mnt/usb/core/os/i686
 67 [extra]
 68 # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 69 #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
 70 Server = file:///mnt/usb/extra/os/i686
 72 #[community-testing]
 73 ## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 74 #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
 76 [community]
 77 # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 78 #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
 79 Server = file:///mnt/usb/community/os/i686
 81 # An example of a custom package repository.  See the pacman manpage for
 82 # tips on creating your own repositories.
 83 #[custom]
 84 #Server = file:///home/custompkgs
Покажите полностью текущий /etc/pacman.conf
Непонятно, откуда возникает

это мой реальный путь хранения репозиториев. я просто его сократил до /mnt/usb, чтобы проще было читать тут. а в приведенном логе - поправить забыл)
$ sudo pacman -Syuv –debug

[[email protected] ~]$ sudo pacman -Syuv --debug
debug: config: attempting to read file /etc/pacman.conf
debug: config: new section 'options'
debug: config: HoldPkg: pacman
debug: config: HoldPkg: glibc
debug: config: SyncFirst: pacman
debug: config: xfercommand: /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
debug: config: new section 'core'
debug: registering sync database 'core'
debug: adding new server URL to database 'core': file:///mnt/usb/core/os/i686
debug: config: new section 'extra'
debug: registering sync database 'extra'
debug: adding new server URL to database 'extra': file:///mnt/usb/extra/os/i686
debug: config: new section 'community'
debug: registering sync database 'community'
debug: adding new server URL to database 'community': file:///mnt/usb/community/os/i686
debug: setlibpaths() called
debug: option 'cachedir' = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
debug: config: finished parsing /etc/pacman.conf
Root      : /
Conf File : /etc/pacman.conf
DB Path   : /var/lib/pacman/
Cache Dirs: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
Lock File : /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
Log File  : /var/log/pacman.log
Targets   : None
:: Synchronizing package databases...
debug: database path for tree local set to /var/lib/pacman/local/
debug: local database version 2
debug: running command: /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db.part file:///mnt/usb/core/os/i686/core.db
file:///mnt/usb/burnyshev/REPO/core/os/i686/core.db: Unsupported scheme “file”.
debug: running command: /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O /var/lib/pacman/sync/extra.db.part file:///mnt/usb/extra/os/i686/extra.db
file:///mnt/usb/burnyshev/REPO/extra/os/i686/extra.db: Unsupported scheme “file”.
debug: running command: /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O /var/lib/pacman/sync/community.db.part file:///mnt/usb/community/os/i686/community.db
file:///mnt/usb/community/os/i686/community.db: Unsupported scheme “file”.
debug: loading package cache for repository 'local'
debug: adding 'glibc' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'dcron' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libedit' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libpcap' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'xplc' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'phpmyadmin' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'mysql' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'wget' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'groff' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'tcp_wrappers' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'binutils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'eventlog' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'expat' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'less' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'cracklib' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'kernel26' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'dbus-core' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'grub' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'tar' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'json-glib' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'file' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'tzdata' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'licenses' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'sed' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'pcmciautils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'man-pages' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'dhclient' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'device-mapper' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'ntfs-3g' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'syslog-ng' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'mkinitcpio' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'iptables' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'gettext' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'ncurses' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'popt' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'jfsutils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'gcc-libs' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libgcrypt' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'psmisc' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'mdadm' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'shadow' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libgpg-error' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'initscripts' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'freetype2' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libldap' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'gpm' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'sysfsutils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'sysvinit' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'bzip2' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'kbd' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libnl' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libfetch' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'procps' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'php-mcrypt' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'texinfo' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'gzip' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'sudo' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'db' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'nano' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'ppp' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'wpa_supplicant' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'e2fsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'iputils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'xfsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'grep' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libmysqlclient' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'gen-init-cpio' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'pcre' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'mlocate' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'linux-api-headers' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libusb' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'php-apache' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'apr' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'vim' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'lvm2' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'gmp' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'glib2' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'dash' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'pacman' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'slang' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libjpeg-turbo' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'pacman-mirrorlist' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'zlib' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'filesystem' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'gdbm' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'p7zip' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'acl' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'sqlite3' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'cryptsetup' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'reiserfsprogs' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libxml2' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'vim-runtime' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libsasl' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'pam' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libtool' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'php-gd' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'mysql-clients' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'kernel26-firmware' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libarchive' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libpng' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'attr' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'diffutils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'bftpd' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'util-linux-ng' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'bash' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'dhcpcd' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'unixodbc' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'fuse' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'coreutils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'php' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'openssh' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'net-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'heimdal' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'apr-util' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'mc' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'usbutils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'gawk' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'vi' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'lzo2' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'udev' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'mkinitcpio-busybox' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'findutils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'perl' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'xz' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libmcrypt' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'man-db' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'rp-pppoe' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'logrotate' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'which' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'mailx' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'wvstreams' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'module-init-tools' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'apache' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'lynx' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'libcap' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'readline' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'wvdial' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'pciutils' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: adding 'openssl' to package cache for db 'local'
debug: loading package cache for repository 'core'
debug: database path for tree core set to /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db
debug: loading package cache for repository 'extra'
debug: database path for tree extra set to /var/lib/pacman/sync/extra.db
debug: loading package cache for repository 'community'
debug: database path for tree community set to /var/lib/pacman/sync/community.db
debug: 'pacman' not found in sync db => no upgrade
debug: local database version 2
:: Starting full system upgrade...
debug: checking for package upgrades
 there is nothing to do
debug: unregistering database 'local'
debug: freeing package cache for repository 'local'
debug: unregistering database 'core'
debug: freeing package cache for repository 'core'
debug: unregistering database 'extra'
debug: freeing package cache for repository 'extra'
debug: unregistering database 'community'
debug: freeing package cache for repository 'community'
[[email protected] ~]$

И еще, при использовании локального репозитория, если не ошибаюсь, должна быть расскоментирована строка

Код: XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget –passive-ftp -c -O %o %u

раскомментировал. ситуация не изменилась.

[[email protected] ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
file:///mnt/usb/core/os/i686/core.db: Unsupported scheme “file”.
file:///mnt/usb/extra/os/i686/extra.db: Unsupported scheme “file”.
file:///mnt/usb/community/os/i686/community.db: Unsupported scheme “file”.
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
[[email protected] ~]$

ломаю голову…
Читайте же вывод команд
Да я читаю, читаю :)
Но ведь это сообщение подразумевает, что новый пакман скопировал свой pacman.conf как pacman.conf.pacnew, тем самым оставив в системе оригинальный pacman.conf.
Когда я выполняю эту же операцию в online, то данных ошибок нет, и pacman.conf я не трогаю.