nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
файл 6 openbox 6) УСТАНАВЛИВАЕМ OPENBOX 6.1) Устанавливаем нужные пакеты для openbox pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem nitrogen tint2 volumeicon numlockx conky archlinux-wallpaper gmrun pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem obconf obkey-git oblogout obmenu openbox openbox-menu openbox-themes yaourt -S -r /mnt/newSystem xcompmgr-dana tintwizard 6.2) Настраиваем автозапуск при старте openbox chroot /mnt/newSystem mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/openbox/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/openbox/ #!/bin/bash # /etc/skel/.config/openbox/ nitrogen --restore & sleep 1 xcompmgr -CcFf & sleep 1 tint2 & volumeicon & numlockx & sleep 3 && conky -c ~/.config/conky/conkyrc1 -q & sleep 4 && conky -c ~/.config/conky/conkyrc2 -q & sleep 5 && conky -c ~/.config/conky/conkyrc3 -q & sleep 6 && conky -c ~/.config/conky/conkyrc4 -q & exit 0 chroot /mnt/newSystem chmod +x /etc/skel/.config/openbox/ 6.3) Настраиваем меню openbox chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <openbox_menu xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" file:///usr/share/openbox/menu.xsd"> <menu id="root-menu" label="Openbox 3.5"> <showIcons>yes</showIcons> <item label="Install"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> urxvt -e sudo install </execute> </action> </item> <separator/> <menu execute="openbox-menu /etc/xdg/menus/" id="desktop-app-lxde" label="Applications-lxde"/> <menu execute="openbox-menu /etc/xdg/menus/" id="desktop-app-kde" label="Applications-kde"/> <menu execute="bash ~/.config/openbox/pipemenus/ ~/" id="recent" label="Recent Files"/> <menu id="Preferences" label="Preferences"> <menu execute="bash ~/.config/openbox/pipemenus/" id="xcompmgr" label="Eye Candy"/> <menu id="root-menu-525118" label="Openbox Config"> <item label="Edit autostart"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> kate ~/.config/openbox/ </execute> </action> </item> <item label="GUI Menu Editor"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> obmenu </execute> </action> </item> <item label="GUI Config Tool"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> obconf </execute> </action> </item> <item label="Key Editor"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> obkey </execute> </action> </item> <item label="Reconfigure"> <action name="Reconfigure"/> </item> <item label="Restart"> <action name="Restart"/> </item> </menu> <item label="Tint Wizard"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> tintwizard </execute> </action> </item> <item label="Edit /etc/rc.conf"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> kdesu kate /etc/rc.conf </execute> </action> </item> <item label="Wallpaper"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> nitrogen </execute> </action> </item> </menu> <separator/> <item label="Exit"> <action name="Execute"> <execute> oblogout </execute> </action> </item> </menu> </openbox_menu>
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
6.4) Настраиваем конфиг openbox chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/openbox/rc.xml <openbox_config xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""> <resistance> <strength>10</strength> <screen_edge_strength>20</screen_edge_strength> </resistance> <focus> <focusNew>yes</focusNew> <!-- always try to focus new windows when they appear. other rules do apply --> <followMouse>no</followMouse> <!-- move focus to a window when you move the mouse into it --> <focusLast>yes</focusLast> <!-- focus the last used window when changing desktops, instead of the one under the mouse pointer. when followMouse is enabled --> <underMouse>no</underMouse> <!-- move focus under the mouse, even when the mouse is not moving --> <focusDelay>200</focusDelay> <!-- when followMouse is enabled, the mouse must be inside the window for this many milliseconds (1000 = 1 sec) before moving focus to it --> <raiseOnFocus>no</raiseOnFocus> <!-- when followMouse is enabled, and a window is given focus by moving the mouse into it, also raise the window --> </focus> <placement> <policy>Smart</policy> <!-- 'Smart' or 'UnderMouse' --> <center>yes</center> <!-- whether to place windows in the center of the free area found or the top left corner --> <monitor>Primary</monitor> <!-- with Smart placement on a multi-monitor system, try to place new windows on: 'Any' - any monitor, 'Mouse' - where the mouse is, 'Active' - where the active window is, 'Primary' - only on the primary monitor --> <primaryMonitor>1</primaryMonitor> <!-- The monitor where Openbox should place popup dialogs such as the focus cycling popup, or the desktop switch popup. It can be an index from 1, specifying a particular monitor. Or it can be one of the following: 'Mouse' - where the mouse is, or 'Active' - where the active window is --> </placement> <theme> <name>Orang</name> <titleLayout>NLIMC</titleLayout> <!-- available characters are NDSLIMC, each can occur at most once. N: window icon L: window label (AKA title). I: iconify M: maximize C: close S: shade (roll up/down) D: omnipresent (on all desktops). --> <keepBorder>yes</keepBorder> <animateIconify>yes</animateIconify> <font place="ActiveWindow"> <name>Sans</name> <size>10</size> <!-- font size in points --> <weight>Bold</weight> <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' --> <slant>Normal</slant> <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' --> </font> <font place="InactiveWindow"> <name>Sans</name> <size>10</size> <!-- font size in points --> <weight>Bold</weight> <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' --> <slant>Normal</slant> <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' --> </font> <font place="MenuHeader"> <name>sans</name> <size>9</size> <!-- font size in points --> <weight>normal</weight> <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' --> <slant>normal</slant> <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' --> </font> <font place="MenuItem"> <name>sans</name> <size>9</size> <!-- font size in points --> <weight>normal</weight> <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' --> <slant>normal</slant> <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' --> </font> <font place="ActiveOnScreenDisplay"> <name>sans</name> <size>9</size> <!-- font size in points --> <weight>bold</weight> <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' --> <slant>normal</slant> <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' --> </font> <font place="InactiveOnScreenDisplay"> <name>sans</name> <size>9</size> <!-- font size in points --> <weight>bold</weight> <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' --> <slant>normal</slant> <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' --> </font> </theme> <desktops> <!-- this stuff is only used at startup, pagers allow you to change them during a session these are default values to use when other ones are not already set by other applications, or saved in your session use obconf if you want to change these without having to log out and back in --> <number>4</number> <firstdesk>1</firstdesk> <names> <!-- set names up here if you want to, like this: <name>desktop 1</name> <name>desktop 2</name> --> </names> <popupTime>875</popupTime> <!-- The number of milliseconds to show the popup for when switching desktops. Set this to 0 to disable the popup. --> </desktops> <resize> <drawContents>yes</drawContents> <popupShow>Nonpixel</popupShow> <!-- 'Always', 'Never', or 'Nonpixel' (xterms and such) --> <popupPosition>Center</popupPosition> <!-- 'Center', 'Top', or 'Fixed' --> <popupFixedPosition> <!-- these are used if popupPosition is set to 'Fixed' --> <x>10</x> <!-- positive number for distance from left edge, negative number for distance from right edge, or 'Center' --> <y>10</y> <!-- positive number for distance from top edge, negative number for distance from bottom edge, or 'Center' --> </popupFixedPosition> </resize> <!-- You can reserve a portion of your screen where windows will not cover when they are maximized, or when they are initially placed. Many programs reserve space automatically, but you can use this in other cases. --> <margins> <top>0</top> <bottom>0</bottom> <left>0</left> <right>0</right> </margins> <dock> <position>TopLeft</position> <!-- (Top|Bottom)(Left|Right|)|Top|Bottom|Left|Right|Floating --> <floatingX>6</floatingX> <floatingY>8</floatingY> <noStrut>yes</noStrut> <stacking>Above</stacking> <!-- 'Above', 'Normal', or 'Below' --> <direction>Horizontal</direction> <!-- 'Vertical' or 'Horizontal' --> <autoHide>no</autoHide> <hideDelay>300</hideDelay> <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) --> <showDelay>300</showDelay> <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) --> <moveButton>Middle</moveButton> <!-- 'Left', 'Middle', 'Right' --> </dock> <keyboard> <chainQuitKey>C-g</chainQuitKey> <keybind key="C-A-Left"> <action name="GoToDesktop"/> </keybind> <keybind key="C-A-Right"> <action name="GoToDesktop"/> </keybind> <keybind key="C-A-Up"> <action name="GoToDesktop"/> </keybind> <keybind key="C-A-Down"> <action name="GoToDesktop"/> </keybind> <keybind key="S-A-Left"> <action name="SendToDesktop"> <desktop>1</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="S-A-Right"> <action name="SendToDesktop"> <desktop>1</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="S-A-Up"> <action name="SendToDesktop"> <desktop>1</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="S-A-Down"> <action name="SendToDesktop"> <desktop>1</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="A-F1"> <action name="Execute"> <command>konsole</command> <startupnotify> <enabled>yes</enabled> <name>Execute</name> </startupnotify> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="A-F2"> <action name="Execute"> <command>gmrun</command> <startupnotify> <enabled>yes</enabled> <name>Execute</name> </startupnotify> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="A-F3"> <action name="Execute"> <command>dolphin</command> <startupnotify> <enabled>yes</enabled> <name>Execute</name> </startupnotify> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="A-F5"> <action name="Execute"> <command>opera</command> <startupnotify> <enabled>yes</enabled> <name>Execute</name> </startupnotify> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="C-A-Delete"> <action name="Execute"> <command>oblogout</command> <startupnotify> <enabled>yes</enabled> <name>Execute</name> </startupnotify> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="W-F1"> <action name="Desktop"> <desktop>1</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="W-F2"> <action name="Desktop"> <desktop>2</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="W-F3"> <action name="Desktop"> <desktop>3</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="W-F4"> <action name="Desktop"> <desktop>4</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="W-d"> <action name="ToggleShowDesktop"/> </keybind> <keybind key="A-F4"> <action name="Close"/> </keybind> <keybind key="A-Escape"> <action name="Lower"/> <action name="FocusToBottom"/> <action name="Unfocus"/> </keybind> <keybind key="A-space"> <action name="ShowMenu"> <menu>client-menu</menu> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="A-Tab"> <action name="NextWindow"/> </keybind> <keybind key="A-S-Tab"> <action name="PreviousWindow"/> </keybind> <keybind key="C-A-Tab"> <action name="NextWindow"> <panels>yes</panels> <desktop>yes</desktop> </action> </keybind> <keybind key="W-S-Right"> <action name="DirectionalCycleWindows"/> </keybind> <keybind key="W-S-Left"> <action name="DirectionalCycleWindows"/> </keybind> <keybind key="W-S-Up"> <action name="DirectionalCycleWindows"/> </keybind> <keybind key="W-S-Down"> <action name="DirectionalCycleWindows"/> </keybind> <keybind key="W-e"> <action name="Execute"> <command>kfmclient openProfile filemanagement</command> <startupnotify> <enabled>yes</enabled> <name>Konqueror</name> </startupnotify> </action> </keybind> </keyboard> <mouse> <dragThreshold>1</dragThreshold> <!-- number of pixels the mouse must move before a drag begins --> <doubleClickTime>200</doubleClickTime> <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) --> <screenEdgeWarpTime>400</screenEdgeWarpTime> <!-- Time before changing desktops when the pointer touches the edge of the screen while moving a window, in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second). Set this to 0 to disable warping --> <screenEdgeWarpMouse>false</screenEdgeWarpMouse> <!-- Set this to TRUE to move the mouse pointer across the desktop when switching due to hitting the edge of the screen --> <context name="Frame"> <mousebind action="Press" button="A-Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-Left"> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Drag" button="A-Left"> <action name="Move"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="A-Right"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Drag" button="A-Right"> <action name="Resize"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="A-Middle"> <action name="Lower"/> <action name="FocusToBottom"/> <action name="Unfocus"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-Up"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>previous</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-Down"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>next</to> </action> </mousebind>
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
<mousebind action="Click" button="C-A-Up"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>previous</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="C-A-Down"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>next</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-S-Up"> <action name="SendToDesktop"> <to>previous</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-S-Down"> <action name="SendToDesktop"> <to>next</to> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Titlebar"> <mousebind action="Drag" button="Left"> <action name="Move"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="DoubleClick" button="Left"> <action name="ToggleMaximize"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Up"> <action name="if"> <shaded>no</shaded> <then> <action name="Shade"/> <action name="FocusToBottom"/> <action name="Unfocus"/> <action name="Lower"/> </then> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Down"> <action name="if"> <shaded>yes</shaded> <then> <action name="Unshade"/> <action name="Raise"/> </then> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Titlebar Top Right Bottom Left TLCorner TRCorner BRCorner BLCorner"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Middle"> <action name="Lower"/> <action name="FocusToBottom"/> <action name="Unfocus"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Right"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="ShowMenu"> <menu>client-menu</menu> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Top"> <mousebind action="Drag" button="Left"> <action name="Resize"> <edge>top</edge> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Left"> <mousebind action="Drag" button="Left"> <action name="Resize"> <edge>left</edge> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Right"> <mousebind action="Drag" button="Left"> <action name="Resize"> <edge>right</edge> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Bottom"> <mousebind action="Drag" button="Left"> <action name="Resize"> <edge>bottom</edge> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Right"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="ShowMenu"> <menu>client-menu</menu> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="TRCorner BRCorner TLCorner BLCorner"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Drag" button="Left"> <action name="Resize"/> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Client"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Middle"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Right"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Icon"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> <action name="ShowMenu"> <menu>client-menu</menu> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Right"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="ShowMenu"> <menu>client-menu</menu> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="AllDesktops"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Left"> <action name="ToggleOmnipresent"/> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Shade"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Left"> <action name="ToggleShade"/> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Iconify"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Left"> <action name="Iconify"/> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Maximize"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Middle"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Right"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Left"> <action name="ToggleMaximize"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Middle"> <action name="ToggleMaximize"> <direction>vertical</direction> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Right"> <action name="ToggleMaximize"> <direction>horizontal</direction> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Close"> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> <action name="Unshade"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Left"> <action name="Close"/> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Desktop"> <mousebind action="Click" button="Up"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>previous</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Down"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>next</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-Up"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>previous</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-Down"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>next</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="C-A-Up"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>previous</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="C-A-Down"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>next</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Left"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Right"> <action name="Focus"/> <action name="Raise"/> </mousebind> </context> <context name="Root"> <!-- Menus --> <mousebind action="Press" button="Middle"> <action name="ShowMenu"> <menu>client-list-combined-menu</menu> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Press" button="Right"> <action name="ShowMenu"> <menu>root-menu</menu> </action> </mousebind> </context> <context name="MoveResize"> <mousebind action="Click" button="Up"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>previous</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="Down"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>next</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-Up"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>previous</to> </action> </mousebind> <mousebind action="Click" button="A-Down"> <action name="GoToDesktop"> <to>next</to> </action> </mousebind> </context> </mouse> <menu><showIcons>yes</showIcons><!-- You can specify more than one menu file in here and they are all loaded, just don't make menu ids clash or, well, it'll be kind of pointless --><!-- default menu file (or custom one in $HOME/.config/openbox/) --><file>menu.xml</file><hideDelay>200</hideDelay><!-- if a press-release lasts longer than this setting (in milliseconds), the menu is hidden again --><middle>no</middle><!-- center submenus vertically about the parent entry --><submenuShowDelay>100</submenuShowDelay><!-- time to delay before showing a submenu after hovering over the parent entry. if this is a negative value, then the delay is infinite and the submenu will not be shown until it is clicked on --><submenuHideDelay>400</submenuHideDelay><!-- time to delay before hiding a submenu when selecting another entry in parent menu --> if this is a negative value, then the delay is infinite and the submenu will not be hidden until a different submenu is opened --> <applicationIcons>yes</applicationIcons> <!-- controls if icons appear in the client-list-(combined-)menu --> <manageDesktops>yes</manageDesktops> <!-- show the manage desktops section in the client-list-(combined-)menu --> </menu> <applications> <!-- # this is an example with comments through out. use these to make your # own rules, but without the comments of course. # you may use one or more of the name/class/role/title/type rules to specify # windows to match <application name="the window's _OB_APP_NAME property (see obxprop)" class="the window's _OB_APP_CLASS property (see obxprop)" role="the window's _OB_APP_ROLE property (see obxprop)" title="the window's _OB_APP_TITLE property (see obxprop)" type="the window's _OB_APP_TYPE property (see obxprob).. (if unspecified, then it is 'dialog' for child windows)"> # you may set only one of name/class/role/title/type, or you may use more # than one together to restrict your matches. # the name, class, role, and title use simple wildcard matching such as those # used by a shell. you can use * to match any characters and ? to match # any single character. # the type is one of: normal, dialog, splash, utility, menu, toolbar, dock, # or desktop # when multiple rules match a window, they will all be applied, in the # order that they appear in this list # each rule element can be left out or set to 'default' to specify to not # change that attribute of the window <decor>yes</decor> # enable or disable window decorations <shade>no</shade> # make the window shaded when it appears, or not <position force="no"> # the position is only used if both an x and y coordinate are provided # (and not set to 'default') # when force is "yes", then the window will be placed here even if it # says you want it placed elsewhere. this is to override buggy # applications who refuse to behave <x>center</x> # a number like 50, or 'center' to center on screen. use a negative number # to start from the right (or bottom for <y>), ie -50 is 50 pixels from the # right edge (or bottom). <y>200</y> <monitor>1</monitor> # specifies the monitor in a xinerama setup. # 1 is the first head, or 'mouse' for wherever the mouse is </position> <focus>yes</focus> # if the window should try be given focus when it appears. if this is set # to yes it doesn't guarantee the window will be given focus. some # restrictions may apply, but Openbox will try to <desktop>1</desktop> # 1 is the first desktop, 'all' for all desktops <layer>normal</layer> # 'above', 'normal', or 'below' <iconic>no</iconic> # make the window iconified when it appears, or not <skip_pager>no</skip_pager> # asks to not be shown in pagers <skip_taskbar>no</skip_taskbar> # asks to not be shown in taskbars. window cycling actions will also # skip past such windows <fullscreen>yes</fullscreen> # make the window in fullscreen mode when it appears <maximized>true</maximized> # 'Horizontal', 'Vertical' or boolean (yes/no) </application> # end of the example --> </applications> </openbox_config>
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
6.5) Создаем скрипт генерирующий меню с последними открытыми файлами для openbox chroot /mnt/newSystem mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/openbox/pipemenus/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/openbox/pipemenus/ #!/bin/sh #/etc/skel/.config/openbox/pipemenus/ echo "<openbox_pipe_menu>" files=$( cat ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel | grep file:/// | tail -n15 | cut -d "\"" -f 2 | tac | while read line; do file=$(echo "$line") name=$(echo -en "$file" | sed 's,.*/,,' | sed 's/%20/ /g') echo "<item label=\"$name\"> <action name=\"Execute\"><command>xdg-open $line</command></action> </item>" done); echo "$files" echo "<separator />" echo "<item label=\"Clear Recent Documents\"> <action name=\"Execute\"><command>rm ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel</command></action> </item>" echo "</openbox_pipe_menu>" exit 0 chroot /mnt/newSystem chmod +x /etc/skel/.config/openbox/pipemenus/ 6.6) Создаем скрипт генерирующий меню установок xcompmgr chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/openbox/pipemenus/ #!/bin/sh #/etc/skel/.config/openbox/pipemenus/ case "$1" in set) killall xcompmgr sed -i 's/^[# ]*xcompmgr.*$/xcompmgr \&/g;s/^xcompmgr.*$/xcompmgr \&/g' ~/.config/openbox/ xcompmgr & ;; unset) sed -i 's/^xcompmgr.*$/#xcompmgr \&/g' ~/.config/openbox/ killall xcompmgr ;; setshaded) killall xcompmgr sed -i 's/^[# ]*xcompmgr.*$/xcompmgr -CfF \&/g;s/^xcompmgr.*$/xcompmgr -CfF \&/g' ~/.config/openbox/ xcompmgr -CfF & ;; setshadowshade) killall xcompmgr sed -i 's/^[# ]*xcompmgr.*$/xcompmgr -CcfF \&/g;s/^xcompmgr.*$/xcompmgr -CcFf \&/g' ~/.config/openbox/ xcompmgr -CcfF & ;; *) echo '<openbox_pipe_menu>' echo ' <item label="No effects">' echo ' <action name="Execute">' echo ' <execute>' echo ' bash ~/.config/openbox/scripts/ unset' echo ' </execute>' echo ' </action>' echo ' </item>' echo ' <item label="Transparency">' echo ' <action name="Execute">' echo ' <execute>' echo ' bash ~/.config/openbox/scripts/ set' echo ' </execute>' echo ' </action>' echo ' </item>' echo ' <item label="Transparency, fading">' echo ' <action name="Execute">' echo ' <execute>' echo ' bash ~/.config/openbox/scripts/ setshaded' echo ' </execute>' echo ' </action>' echo ' </item>' echo ' <item label="Transparency, fading shadows">' echo ' <action name="Execute">' echo ' <execute>' echo ' bash ~/.config/openbox/scripts/ setshadowshade' echo ' </execute>' echo ' </action>' echo ' </item>' echo '</openbox_pipe_menu>' ;; esac exit 0 chroot /mnt/newSystem chmod +x /etc/skel/.config/openbox/pipemenus/ 6.7) Создаем конфиг для volumeicon chroot /mnt/newSystem mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/volumeicon/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/volumeicon/volumeicon [StatusIcon] stepsize=5 lmb_slider=true mmb_mute=false use_horizontal_slider=false show_sound_level=true onclick=konsole -e alsamixer theme=Default [Hotkeys] up_enabled=true down_enabled=true mute_enabled=true up=XF86AudioRaiseVolume down=XF86AudioLowerVolume mute=XF86AudioMute [Alsa] card=hw:0 6.7) Создаем конфиг для tint2 chroot /mnt/newSystem mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/tint2/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/tint2/tint2rc # Tint2 config file # Generated by tintwizard ( # For information on manually configuring tint2 see # To use this as default tint2 config: save as $HOME/.config/tint2/tint2rc # Background definitions # ID 1 rounded = 7 border_width = 0 background_color = #CE5C00 100 border_color = #FFFFFF 0 # ID 2 rounded = 5 border_width = 1 background_color = #FFFFFF 40 border_color = #FFFFFF 40 # ID 3 rounded = 5 border_width = 1 background_color = #FFFFFF 5 border_color = #FFFFFF 60 # Panel panel_monitor = all panel_position = bottom center horizontal panel_size = 100% 45 panel_margin = 0 0 panel_padding = 0 0 0 panel_dock = 0 wm_menu = 1 panel_layer = top panel_background_id = 1 # Panel Autohide autohide = 1 autohide_show_timeout = 0 autohide_hide_timeout = 0 autohide_height = 0 strut_policy = minimum # Taskbar taskbar_mode = single_desktop taskbar_padding = 20 1 1 taskbar_background_id = 0 taskbar_active_background_id = 0 # Tasks urgent_nb_of_blink = 8 task_icon = 1 task_text = 1 task_centered = 1 task_maximum_size = 140 35 task_padding = 6 2 task_background_id = 3 task_active_background_id = 2 task_urgent_background_id = 2 task_iconified_background_id = 3 # Task Icons task_icon_asb = 100 0 0 task_active_icon_asb = 100 0 0 task_urgent_icon_asb = 100 0 0 task_iconified_icon_asb = 70 0 0 # Fonts task_font = Sans Bold 10 task_font_color = #FFFFFF 60 task_active_font_color = #FFFFFF 80 task_urgent_font_color = #FFFFFF 80 task_iconified_font_color = #FFFFFF 60 font_shadow = 0 # System Tray systray = 1 systray_padding = 0 4 5 systray_sort = right2left systray_background_id = 0 systray_icon_size = 0 systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0 # Clock time1_format = %H:%M:%S time1_font = Sans Bold 12 time2_format = %a %d %b time2_font = Sans 10 clock_font_color = #FFFFFF 100 clock_padding = 1 0 clock_background_id = 0 clock_lclick_command = vremya clock_rclick_command = orage # Tooltips tooltip = 1 tooltip_padding = 2 2 tooltip_show_timeout = 0.7 tooltip_hide_timeout = 0.3 tooltip_background_id = 1 tooltip_font = Sans Bold 10 tooltip_font_color = #FFFFFF 80 # Mouse mouse_middle = none mouse_right = none mouse_scroll_up = toggle mouse_scroll_down = iconify # Battery battery = 0 battery_low_status = 10 battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low" battery_hide = 98 bat1_font = sans 8 bat2_font = sans 6 battery_font_color = #FFFFFF 63 battery_padding = 1 0 battery_background_id = 0 # End of config 6.8) Создаем конфиг для nitrogen chroot /mnt/newSystem mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/nitrogen/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg [geometry] posx=333 posy=209 sizex=450 sizey=500 [nitrogen] view=icon icon_caps=false dirs=/usr/share/archlinux/wallpaper; chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg [:0.0] file=/usr/share/archlinux/wallpaper/archlinux-deep-aurora-43.jpg mode=4 bgcolor=#000000 6.8) Создаем конфиги и скрипты для conky chroot /mnt/newSystem mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config/conky/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/conky/conkyrc1 own_window yes own_window_transparent yes own_window_type desktop double_buffer yes use_xft yes alignment top_left gap_x 5 gap_y 5 out_to_console no update_interval 3 maximum_width 350 draw_shades yes default_shade_color black default_outline_color white uppercase no font Sans:size=10:weight=bold override_utf8_locale yes cpu_avg_samples 2 net_avg_samples 2 template0 ${color \2} ${top name \1} ${tab 70} ${top pid \1} ${tab 30} ${top cpu \1} ${tab 30} ${top mem \1} template1 ${color \2} ${top_mem name \1} ${tab 70} ${top_mem pid \1} ${tab 30} ${top_mem cpu \1} ${tab 30} ${top_mem mem \1} template2 ${color lightgrey}CPU \1 $color ${cpu cpu\1}% $alignr${freq \1}MHz ${exec sensors | grep "Core\2 Temp" | cut -d ":" -f2} TEXT ${tab 400} ${color green}System $hr $color$sysname $kernel $machine ${execi 88888 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" -m1 | cut -d ":" -f2 | cut -d " " -f2- | sed 's#Processor ##'} ${color lightgrey}Uptime:$color $uptime ${color lightgrey}- Load:$color $loadavg ${color green}CPU $hr ${color orange}${font Sans:size=10}CPU ${execi 3 sensors | grep 'CPU Temperature' | cut -d " " -f5-} MB ${execi 3 sensors | grep 'MB Temperature' | cut -d " " -f6-}$font \ ${execpi 88888 bash ~/.config/conky/} ${cpu}% ${cpubar} ${color green}Memory $hr ${color lightgrey}RAM Usage:$color $mem/$memmax $memperc% $membar ${color lightgrey}Swap Usage:$color $swap/$swapmax $swapperc% $swapbar ${color green}Processes $hr ${color lightgrey}All: ${color red} $processes ${color lightgrey} Running: ${color blue} $running_processes \ ${color}Name ${tab 70} PID ${tab 70} CPU% ${tab 30} MEM% ${template0 1 orange} ${template0 2 lightgrey} ${template0 3 lightgrey} ${template0 4 lightgrey} ${template0 5 lightgrey} \ ${color}Mem usage ${template1 1 orange} ${template1 2 lightgrey} ${template1 3 lightgrey} ${template1 4 lightgrey} ${template1 5 lightgrey} chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/conky/ #!/bin/bash awk '{print "${template2 "$1+1" "$1"}"}' <(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'processor' | cut -d ':' -f2) chroot /mnt/newSystem chmod +x /etc/skel/.config/conky/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/conky/conkyrc2 own_window yes own_window_transparent yes own_window_type desktop double_buffer yes use_xft yes alignment bottom_left gap_x 5 gap_y 5 out_to_console no update_interval 3 maximum_width 350 draw_shades yes default_shade_color black default_outline_color white uppercase no font Sans:size=10:weight=bold override_utf8_locale yes cpu_avg_samples 2 net_avg_samples 2 template0 ${color lightgrey}\1: $alignc ${color red}${totaldown \1}${color green} / ${color blue}${totalup \1}\n${color}IP:${addr \1} MAC:${execi 60 ifconfig \1 | grep ether | cut -d ' ' -f10}\n ${color lightgrey} Down: ${color red} ${downspeed \1} k/s ${tab 75} ${color lightgrey} Up: ${color blue} ${upspeed \1} k/s \n${color black}${downspeedgraph \1 32,150 0000ff ff0000 -t -l} $alignr${color black}${upspeedgraph \1 32,150 0000ff ff0000 -t -l} TEXT ${tab 400} \ ${color green}Inet $hr ${execpi 60 bash ~/.config/conky/} chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/conky/ #!/bin/bash awk '{print "${template0 "$1"}"}' <(ifconfig | grep 'flags=' | grep -v 'lo:' | cut -d ':' -f1) chroot /mnt/newSystem chmod +x /etc/skel/.config/conky/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/conky/conkyrc3 own_window yes own_window_transparent yes own_window_type desktop double_buffer yes use_xft yes alignment bottom_right gap_x 5 gap_y 5 out_to_console no update_interval 4 maximum_width 350 draw_shades yes default_shade_color black default_outline_color white uppercase no font Sans:size=10:weight=bold override_utf8_locale yes cpu_avg_samples 2 net_avg_samples 2 template0 ${color orange}\1 $color(\2)\n$color${fs_used \1} / ${fs_size \1} ${fs_bar \1} TEXT ${tab 400} ${color green}File systems $hr ${execpi 12 bash ~/.config/conky/} chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/conky/ #!/bin/bash awk '{print "${template0 "$3" "$5"}"}' <(mount | grep 'dev/sd') chroot /mnt/newSystem chmod +x /etc/skel/.config/conky/ chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.config/conky/conkyrc4 own_window yes own_window_transparent yes own_window_type desktop double_buffer yes use_xft yes alignment top_right gap_x 5 gap_y 5 out_to_console no update_interval 4 maximum_width 550 draw_shades yes default_shade_color black default_outline_color white uppercase no font Sans:size=10:weight=bold override_utf8_locale yes cpu_avg_samples 2 net_avg_samples 2 template0 ${color orange}${rss \1 30 feed_title}\n${color lightgrey}${rss \1 30 item_titles 5} template1 ${execi 600 wget -O ~/.config/conky/conkyweather\2.gif \1}${image ~/.config/conky/conkyweather\2.gif -p \2 -f 300} template2 $alignr${color orange}\1 ${tab 60} $color ${execi 10 ping -c 1 \1 |grep "time=" | sed "[email protected]^.*[email protected]@"} TEXT ${tab 1050} \ ${color green}RSS $hr$color ${template0} ${template0;action=.xml} ${color green}Ping $hr$color ${template2}....... ${template2}....... ${color green}GisMeteo $hr$color ${template1 0,350} ${template1 300,350} ${color green}$hr$color 6.9) Добавить авто загрузку openbox при входе в первую консоль chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.bash_profile if [[ -z $DISPLAY && ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then exec startx logout fi 6.10) Добавить в /etc/skel/.xinitrc chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.xinitrc exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch openbox-session #exec ck-launch-session openbox-session Переходим к файлу "7" Arch AnTAVR
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
файл 7 7) УСТАНАВЛИВАЕМ РАЗНЫЕ НУЖНЫЕ ПРОГИ 7.1) Устанавливаем систему распознавания текста, менеджер личных финансов yaourt -S -r /mnt/newSystem yagf mmex 7.2) Устанавливаем pidgin - замена icq и qip pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem pidgin pidgin-encryption yaourt -S -r /mnt/newSystem pidgin-bot-sentry 7.3) Устанавливаем ekiga и skype pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem ekiga skype skype-call-recorder 7.4) Устанавливаем claws для писем pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem claws-mail claws-mail-extra-plugins 7.5) Устанавливаем антиспам и антивирус в основном для claws pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem spamassassin razor bogofilter dspam p3scan clamav Заметка!!! Обновляем базы spamassassin chroot /mnt/newSystem sa-update Заметка!!! Закомментировать Example в /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf и /etc/clamav/clamd.conf chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/clamav/clamd.conf # Comment or remove the line below. #Example Заметка!!! Обновляем базы clamav chroot /mnt/newSystem freshclam 7.6) Устанавливаем проги для работы с ftp и торрентами yaourt -S -r /mnt/newSystem filezilla qbittorrent 7.7) Устанавливаем firefox opera и плагины pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem firefox firefox-i18n-ru opera flashplugin gecko-mediaplayer Заметка!!! Нужные дополнения для firefox 7.8) Устанавливаем libreoffice pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem libreoffice libreoffice-extensions libreoffice-ru jdk7-openjdk 7.9) Устанавливаем gimp - замена фотошопу pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem gimp gimp-help-ru gimp-ufraw gimp-plugin-fblur gimp-plugin-gmic pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem gimp-plugin-lqr gimp-plugin-mathmap gimp-plugin-wavelet-decompose pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem gimp-plugin-wavelet-denoise gimp-refocus 7.10) Сохраняем в git настроенные конфиги в /etc/ chroot /mnt/newSystem cd /etc/ && git add -A && git commit -m $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S) exit Если нужны какие нибудь не очень важные пакеты то переходим к файлу 8 Переходим к файлу "9 flash" или Переходим к файлу "9 hdd" Arch AnTAVR
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
файл 8 8) УСТАНАВЛИВАЕМ РАЗНЫЕ НЕ НУЖНЫЕ ПРОГИ 8.1) Администрирование сетей pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem nmap ettercap-gtk wireshark-gtk fwbuilder arp-scan 8.2) Разработка на C++ pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem qtcreator kdevelop 8.3) Разработка на Python, Ruby yaourt -S -r /mnt/newSystem eric eric5-i18n 8.4) Web разработка pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem php php-apc php-gd php-mcrypt php-pear php-pgsql php-pspell pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem php-snmp php-sqlite php-tidy php-xsl xdebug apache php-apache pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem nginx postgresql mysql phpmyadmin proftpd yaourt -S -r /mnt/newSystem zend-optimizer phpdocumentor php-imagick gadmin-proftpd yaourt -S -r /mnt/newSystem mod_rpaf php-ioncube_loader pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem netbeans 8.5) Устанавливаем virtualbox pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem virtualbox virtualbox-modules Заметка!!! добавить в /etc/rc.conf в секцию модулей для virtualbox chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/rc.conf #MODULES=(${MODULES[*]} vboxdrv vboxnetflt vboxpci vboxnetadp) 8.6) Устанавливаем пакеты для принтеров и сканеров Заметка!!! sane [extra] Scanner Access Now Easy для сканеров cups [extra] The CUPS Printing System - daemon package для принтеров ghostscript [extra] An interpreter for the PostScript language gsfonts [extra] Standard Ghostscript Type1 fonts from URW hpoj [extra] Hewlett-Packard OfficeJet, PSC, LaserJet, and PhotoSmart printer multi-function peripherals (MFPs) drivers cups-filters [extra] OpenPrinting CUPS Filters foomatic-db [extra] Foomatic - The collected knowledge about printers, drivers, and driver options in XML files, used by foomatic-db-engine to generate PPD files. foomatic-db-engine [extra] Foomatic - Foomatic's database engine generates PPD files from the data in Foomatic's XML database. It also contains scripts to directly generate print queues and handle jobs. foomatic-db-nonfree [extra] Foomatic - database extension consisting of manufacturer-supplied PPD files released under non-free licenses gutenprint [extra] Top quality printer drivers for POSIX systems hplip [extra] Drivers for HP DeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet # xdg-utils [extra] Command line tools that assist applications with a variety of desktop integration tasks pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem sane cups ghostscript gsfonts hpoj cups-filters foomatic-db pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem foomatic-db-engine foomatic-db-nonfree gutenprint hplip pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem kdegraphics-ksaneplugin xsane-gimp kdeutils-printer-applet 8.7) Устанавливаем говорилку festival pacman -S -r /mnt/newSystem festival festival-english festvox-ru chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/.festivalrc ;# ;# /etc/skel/.festivalrc ;# use ALSA (Parameter.set 'Audio_Method 'Audio_Command) (Parameter.set 'Audio_Command "aplay -q -c 1 -t raw -f s16 -r $SR $FILE") ;use PulseAudio ;(Parameter.set 'Audio_Command "paplay $FILE") ;(Parameter.set 'Audio_Method 'Audio_Command) ;(Parameter.set 'Audio_Required_Format 'snd) chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /usr/share/festival/languages.scm дописать в начало: (define (language_russian) "(language_russian) Set up language parameters for Russian." (set! male1 voice_msu_ru_nsh_clunits) (male1) (Parameter.set 'Language 'russian) ) и в этом же файле в define(select_language language) добавить: ((equal? language 'russian) (language_russian)) chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/skel/vremya #!/bin/bash # /etc/skel/vremya # dat=`date +%H` day=`date +%A` mont=`date +%B` num=`date +%e` minut=`date +%M` dat=`expr 0 + $dat` num=`expr 0 + $num` minut=`expr 0 + $minut` n=$num #Порядковый номер названия числа словами в массиве chislo night=5 #Конец ночи morning=11 #Конец утра afternoon=18 #Конец дня evening=24 #Конец вечера chislo=("ЧислаСловами" "первое" "второе" "третье" "четвёртое" "пятое" "шестое" "седьмое" "восьмое" "девятое" "десятое" "одиннадцатое" "двенадцатое" "тринадцатое" "четырнадцатое" "пятнадцатое" "шестнадцатое" "семнадцатое" "восемнадцатое" "девятнадцатое" "двадцатое" "двадцать первое" "двадцать второе" "двадцать третье" "двадцать четвёртое" "двадцать пятое" "двадцать шестое" "двадцать седьмое" "двадцать восьмое" "двадцать девятое" "тридцатое" "тридцать первое") chas=("ноль часов" "один час" "два часа" "три часа" "четыре часа" "пять часов" "шесть часов" "семь часов" "восемь часов" "девять часов" "десять часов" "одинадцать часов" "двенадцать часов" "тринадцать часов" "четырнадцать часов" "пятнадцать часов" "шестнадцать часов" "семнадцать часов" "восемнадцать часов" "девятнадцать часов" "двадцать часов" "двадцать один час" "двадцать два часа" "двадцать три часа") minuts=("ноль минут" "одна минута" "две минуты" "три минуты" "четыре минуты" "пять минут" "шесть минут" "семь минут" "восемь минут" "девять минут" "десять минут" "одинадцать минут" "двенадцать минут" "тринадцать минут" "четырнадцать минут" "пятнадцать минут" "шестнадцать минут" "семнадцать минут" "восемнадцать минут" "девятнадцать минут" "двадцать минут" "двадцать одна минута" "двадцать две минуты" "двадцать три минуты" "двадцать четыре минуты" "двадцать пять минут" "двадцать шесть минут" "двадцать семь минут" "двадцать восемь минут" "двадцать девять минут" "тридцать минут" "тридцать одна минута" "тридцать две минуты" "тридцать три минуты" "тридцать четыре минуты" "тридцать пять минут" "тридцать шесть минут" "тридцать семь минут" "тридцать восемь минут" "тридцать девять минут" "сорок минут" "сорок одна минута" "сорок две минуты" "сорок три минуты" "сорок четыре минуты" "сорок пять минут" "сорок шесть минут" "сорок семь минут" "сорок восемь минут" "сорок девять минут" "пятьдесят минут" "пятьдесят одна минута" "пятьдесят две минуты" "пятьдесят три минуты" "пятьдесят четыре минуты" "пятьдесят пять минут" "пятьдесят шесть минут" "пятьдесят семь минут" "пятьдесят восемь минут" "пятьдесят девять минут") if [ $dat -le $night ] then datsss="Доброй ночи" elif [ $dat -gt $night ] && [ $dat -le $morning ] then datsss="Доброе утро" elif [ $dat -gt $morning ] && [ $dat -le $afternoon ] then datsss="День добрый" elif [ $dat -gt $afternoon ] && [ $dat -le $evening ] then datsss="Вечер добрый" fi datsss=$datsss". Сегодня "$day". "$mont" месяц. "${chislo[$n]}" число. Местно+е время: "${chas[$dat]}". "${minuts[$minut]}". " echo $datsss | festival --tts --language russian exit 0 chroot /mnt/newSystem chmod +x /etc/skel/vremya 8.8) Сохраняем в git настроенные конфиги в /etc/ chroot /mnt/newSystem cd /etc/ && git add -A && git commit -m $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S) exit Переходим к файлу "9 flash" или Переходим к файлу "9 hdd" Arch AnTAVR
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
файл 9 flash 9) ПРЕД ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАДИЯ УСТАНОВКИ Заметка!!! Если не используется сжатие то переходим к пункту 9.5 9.1) Сжимаем папку "/usr" chroot /mnt/newSystem mksquashfs /usr /usbUsr.sfs -b 1M -comp xz 9.2) Подключаем сжатый "/usr" флешки, для загрузки при старте системы Заметка!!! Создать и дописать в файл хук для подключения сжатого usbUsr.sfs chroot /mnt/newSystem nano /etc/rc.d/functions.d/usr-squashfs-loop # # /etc/rc.d/functions.d/usr-squashfs-loop # usr_squashfs_loop_start () { mountpoint -q /usr || mount -t squashfs -o loop,ro /usbUsr.sfs /usr } add_hook sysinit_start usr_squashfs_loop_start 9.3) Сохраняем в git настроенные конфиги в /etc/ chroot /mnt/newSystem cd /etc/ && git add -A && git commit -m $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S) exit 9.4) Отмонтировать "/usr" и скопировать недостающие для загрузки системы файлы umount /mnt/newSystem/usr mkdir /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib mkdir /mnt/newSystem/usr/bin cp -P /home/usbUsr/bin/tput /mnt/newSystem/usr/bin cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib 9.5) Размонтируем подключенные фс, удаляем временную точку монтирования и пере загружаемся в новую установленную систему umount -t proc /mnt/newSystem/proc umount /mnt/newSystem/dev umount -t sysfs /mnt/newSystem/sys umount /mnt/newSystem/boot umount /mnt/newSystem rmdir /mnt/newSystem reboot Переходим к файлу "10" 9.6) Шаги для быстрого и легкого обновления сжатой "/usr" на флешке mkdir /mnt/newSystem mount -t ext4 -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard /dev/disk/by-label/usbRoot /mnt/newSystem mount -t vfat -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime /dev/disk/by-label/usbBoot /mnt/newSystem/boot mount -o bind /home/usbUsr /mnt/newSystem/usr mount -t proc proc /mnt/newSystem/proc mount -o bind /dev /mnt/newSystem/dev mount -t sysfs sys /mnt/newSystem/sys yaourt -Syua -r /mnt/newSystem Заметка!!! Тут можно делать установку или удаление пакетов yaourt -S -r /mnt/newSystem пакет chroot /mnt/newSystem cd /etc/ && git add -A && git commit -m $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S) exit chroot /mnt/newSystem mksquashfs /usr / -b 1M -comp xz chroot /mnt/newSystem rm /usbUsr.sfs chroot /mnt/newSystem mv / /usbUsr.sfs umount /mnt/newSystem/usr cp -P /home/usbUsr/bin/tput /mnt/newSystem/usr/bin cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib cp -P /home/usbUsr/lib/ /mnt/newSystem/usr/lib umount -t proc /mnt/newSystem/proc umount /mnt/newSystem/dev umount -t sysfs /mnt/newSystem/sys umount /mnt/newSystem/boot umount /mnt/newSystem rmdir /mnt/newSystem Arch AnTAVR
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
файл 9 hdd 9) ПРЕД ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАДИЯ УСТАНОВКИ 9.1) Размонтируем подключенные фс Заметка!!! Размонтируем подключенные фс, удаляем временную точку монтирования umount -t proc /mnt/newSystem/proc umount /mnt/newSystem/dev umount -t sysfs /mnt/newSystem/sys umount /mnt/newSystem/home umount /mnt/newSystem/boot umount /mnt/newSystem rmdir /mnt/newSystem reboot Переходим к файлу "10" Arch AnTAVR
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
файл 10 10) ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАДИЯ УСТАНОВКИ 10.1) Создаем нового пользователя в котором будем работать Заметка!!! используем сложный пароль минимум 8 символов, используем символы в верхнем и нижнем регистре, числа и знаки!!! Заметка!!! Создавать пользователя можно с настройками по умолчанию, а в процессе работы добавлять в нужные группы adduser 10.2) Шифруем папку пользователя созданного выше Заметка!!! После шифрования обязательно залогиниться этим пользователем в другой консоли!!! И если все прошло успешно удаляем бекап каталог созданный скриптом modprobe ecryptfs ecryptfs-migrate-home -u yourname 10.3) Сохраняем в git настроенные конфиги в /etc/ cd /etc/ && git add -A && git commit -m $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S) 10.4) Перезагружаемся и входим созданным пользователем! Заметка!!! При использовании kde первый вход очень долгий, так как kde много пишет конфигов!!! При использовании openbox, автоматический загружается только в первой консоле! Arch AnTAVR
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |
nafanja |
Участник с: 02 июня 2012
Извиняюсь за такое форматирование текста, у меня инструкция в файлах хранится, а специально форматировать под форум лень… выложил так как есть… Ну вот и все, пользуйтесь на здоровье!!!
Псевдографический инсталлятор Arch Linux ver. 3.8.2
Благодарности принимаются на ЯД 410012815723874 |