Roadsend PHP Compiler

В общем проблема такая. Поставил Roadsend PHP Compiler. Ставил из AUR. требуемый пакет bigloo 3.0c собрал ручками из исходников. Все вроде встало красиво. но при попытке запустить выскакивает ошибка
[[email protected] php]$ pcc --help
pcc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Ошибок никаких при сборке не было.

Содержимое /etc/pcc.conf
; Roadsend PCC Configuration File
2 ;;
3 ;; lines starting with a semi-colon are considered comments
4 ;;
6 ;; DIRECTIVE: home
7 (home “/usr/local/etc”)
9 ;; DIRECTIVE: include
10 ; Include directives add directories to the include file search path
11 (include “./”)
13 ; example of multiple paths
14 (include “./” “/usr/local/lib/php”)
15 (include “./” “/usr/local/lib/bigloo/3.0c/”)
17 ;; DIRECTIVE: library
18 ; Library directives add directories to the dynamic-load search path.
19 (library “./” “/usr/local/lib/bigloo/3.0c/”)
21 ; this example shows how to list your own library directory
22 ; NOTE you might also have to put this directory in /etc/ to
23 ; get installed libraries to work!
24 ;(library “./” “/usr/local/pcclibs/”)
26 ;; DIRECTIVE: default-commandline-lib
27 ; these are the extensions to laod by default
28 ; if are receiving an error about an extension that does not load,
29 ; remove it from this list
31 ; the default enables all extensions
32 (default-commandline-lib php-std php-curl php-pcre php-xml php-mysql php-sqlite php-odbc)
34 ; flags passed to ld while linking a binary that uses the named extension
35 (ldflags standard -lresolv -lm -lcrypt)
36 (ldflags mysql -Wl,–hash-style=gnu -Wl,–as-needed -rdynamic -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm)
37 (ldflags odbc -L/usr/lib -lodbc)
38 (ldflags sqlite -I/usr/include -lsqlite3)
39 (ldflags curl -lcurl -Wl,–hash-style=gnu -Wl,–as-needed)
40 (ldflags xml -lxml2 )
41 (ldflags fastcgi -lfcgi)
42 ;(ldflags gtk @[email protected])
44 ;; DIRECTIVE: web-libs
45 ; these libraries will be loaded by the web modules and
46 ; the interpreter before the script is run
48 ; the default enables all extensions
49 (web-libs php-std php-curl php-pcre php-xml php-mysql php-sqlite php-odbc)
51 ; this is minimal. you need at least php-std
52 ;(web-libs php-std)
54 ; this directive also loads custom libraries (like those generated by php -l)
55 ;(web-libs testlib)
57 ;; DIRECTIVE: ini
58 ; this directive sets PHP ini flags
60 ; this is an ini entry to tell the mysql lib where the socket is
61 ;(ini
62 ; (mysql.default_socket “/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock”))
64 ; odbc max links option. -1 is unlimited
65 ;(ini
66 ; (odbc.max_links -1))
68 ; default timezone
69 ;(ini
70 ; (date.timezone “Europe/Prague”))
72 ; session configuration
73 (ini
74 (session.cookie_lifetime 0)
75 (session.cookie_path “/”)
76 (session.cookie_domain “”)
77 (session.cookie_secure #f)
78 (session.save_path “/tmp”)
80 (session.auto_start 0)
81 (session.use_cookies 1)
82 (session.use_only_cookies 0)
83 (session.referer_check “”)
84 (session.cache_limiter “nocache”)
85 (session.cache_expire 180)
86 (session.use_trans_id 0)
87 (url_rewriter.tags “a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry”)
88 (session.gc_probability 1)
89 (session.gc_divisor 100)
90 (session.gc_maxlifetime 1440))
92 ; file uploads
93 (ini
94 (file_uploads 1)
95 ; leave this unset for the system default
96 ;(upload_tmp_dir “/tmp”)
97 ; note this is specified in bytes
98 (upload_max_filesize 2048000))
100 ;; DIRECTIVE: ini-file
101 ; you can load a standard php ini file
102 ;(ini-file “/etc/php/php.ini”)
104 ;; DIRECTIVE: debug-level
105 ; a level of 0 will turn off all debugging messages.
106 ; set to 1 or 2 to receive verbose errors and warnings while
107 ; compiling and running
109 ; debug level
110 (debug-level 0)

это я пытался руками указать папки с библиотеками. был найден в /usr/local/lib и в /usr/local/lib/bigloo/3.0c/
быть может кто-нибудь сталкивался?
Прошу прощения за паникерство, просто не подумал, что собирал bigloo из исходников и таким образом библиотеки сместились в /usr/local/lib если кто столкнется с такой же проблемой, то все лечится одной командой из под root

find /usr/local/lib -name libbigloo\* -exec cp {} /usr/lib/ \;
симлинк на нужную либу в /usr/lib нужен.
А ведь насколько проще было бы один раз написать pkgbuild и не мучаться…
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