hlds не робит (((

собственно сделал всё этому ману, запускаю
smiges 18:18 [0]~/media/cs_server$ ./hlds_run -game cstrike +ip +sv_lan 1 -nomaster +maxplayers 10 +map de_dust2
Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Auto-restarting the server on crash
Error:/home/smiges/media/cs_server/engine_amd.so: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual
Unable to load engine, image is corrupt.
и всё, к серваку не подключиться( гуглил гуглил насчёт проблемы, решения не нашёл к сожалению. может кто знает в чём проблема?
Еще раз сделай - image is corrupt какбэ намекаэ
ты так думаеш?
Еще раз сделай
Сегодня обновились glibc и gcc-libs. Начал сегфолиться hlds, сразу после запуска. То же самое и с hldsupdatetool.bin с оф. сайта!
Auto detecting CPU
Using Pentium II Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
Auto-restarting the server on crash
./hlds_run: line 342: 27084 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $HL_CMD
BFD: Warning: /opt/hlds/core is truncated: expected core file size >= 10354688, found: 1073152.
Cannot access memory at address 0xb77628e8
Cannot access memory at address 0xb77628e8
Cannot access memory at address 0xb77628e8
Failed to read a valid object file image from memory.
Cannot access memory at address 0xbfa08e2c
debug.cmds:4: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xbfa08e2c
email debug.log to [email protected]
Thu Apr 21 23:46:38 NOVST 2011: Server restart in 60 seconds

CRASH: Thu Apr 21 23:49:06 NOVST 2011
Start Line: ./hlds_i686 -debug -game cstrike -insecure -nomaster +log on +map de_dust2x2 +port 27015 -maxplayers 18 +sv_lan 0 -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms +exec server.cfg + -pidfile /var/run/hlds.pid -pidfile /var/run/hlds.pid
[New Thread 27232]
Core was generated by `./hlds_i686 -debug -game cstrike -insecure -nomaster +log on +map de_dust2x2 +p'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0xb76a941f in ?? ()
#0  0xb76a941f in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
From        To          Syms Read   Shared Object Library
0xb780c820  0xb782325f  Yes (*)     /lib/ld-linux.so.2
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xbfdb9c70:
 eip = 0xb76a941f; saved eip End of crash report

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